
Harbin é uma cidade charmozinha localizada na região nordeste da China, perto da divisa com a Russia. 

Durante o século 20, Harbin foi considerada a capital da moda chinesa, atualmente ela é super famosa pelo Festival de Inverno.

São belíssimas esculturas feitas em pedras (gigantescas) de gelo e também na neve espalhadas por vários lugares da cidade mas as maiores e mais bonitas (na minha opinião) ficam no Parque de exposição. 

Nós visitamos o Festival no ano passado (2014) fomos para a abertura na primeira semana de Janeiro e estava congelante :) Na noite que estávamos no parque fazia -30C e durante o dia passamos frio de -25C mas valeu a pena, é lindo de verdade!

Harbin is a cute town located in northeastern China near the border with Russia.

During the 20th century, Harbin was considered the capital of Chinese fashion. Nowadays it's super famous for the Winter Festival.

Basically it's a winter festival with beautiful sculptures made in (huge) ice blocks and also in the snow. The artwork is placed across several places around the town but the largest and most beautiful (in my opinion) are placed at the exhibition park.

We visited the Festival last year (2014), we went in the first week of January for the festival's opening and it was freezing cold :) On the opening night the temperature at the park was -30C and during the day was as cold as -25C but it was so worth it, truly gorgeous! 

Yi Hui Jian,
Jules xx

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